Effect of Chest Physiotherapy on patient Hospitalized With Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in intensive care unit

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical therapy , beni-suef university


1-Purpose: The aim of this study is evaluate the effect of chest physiotherapy on
hospitalized patients with IPF .
2-Method and Materials: Chest physiotherapy management was applied for 3
sessions. 1Session\day included. 1Session\day. The lesson lasts 45 minutes in
total. the RP treatments that are advised for seriously unwell patients receiving
hospital care in the ICU. Activating and releasing of respiratory muscles,
positioning, percussion on chest to improve air way clearance , passive ROM of all
limbs to prevent muscle atrophy , Mobilization to elbow and knee and ankle.
3-Results : Physiotherapy management lead to improved airway clearance and
improve O2 saturation, improved mobility of elbow joint and knee Joint , activation of
intercostal muscle , release of hyperactive neck muscles .
4-Conclusion: Early physiotherapy intervention for ICU patients with IPF lead to
improvement in chest expansion , lung volume , activation of intercostal muscle ,
increasing of ribs mobility and prevent muscle weakness and increase joint
mobility and prevent DVT , the program was applied included : Activating and
releasing of respiratory muscles, positioning, percussion on chest to improve air way
clearance , passive ROM of all limbs to prevent muscle atrophy , Mobilization to
elbow and knee and ankle.
