Effects of chest physiotherapy on patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Document Type : Original Article


Basic Science Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy,Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt.


Symptoms including shortness of breath, sputum clearing, and activities to increase strength and fitness can all be managed and controlled with the aid of physiotherapy. encouraging the opening of airways, enhancing mobility, encouraging rehabilitation, and helping to deliver efficient non -invasive ventilation services. In the case of obstructive bronchiolitis, the airways' interiors are smaller than usual due to ongoing inflammation and swelling. The ability of the lungs to efficiently and quickly expel air is hindered by this constriction. The lung's alveoli suffer damage and lose some of their flexibility in emphysema. As a result, they are challenging to empty. Airway narrowing is also a result of emphysema. The combination of non-stretchy alveoli due to emphysema and narrowed airways due to both obstructive bronchiolitis and emphysema prevents the lungs from emptying normally. This causes air to become trapped in the lungs. “Air trapping,” or the inability to fully exhale, leads to abnormal expansion or hyperinflation of the lungs.
